Electric cars are on the rise in the United States, and more people are opting for these environmentally friendly cars to maximize fuel efficiency and lower costs. The range and battery life of electric cars for sale in san diego is something that has many wondering about how these vehicles compare to combustion ones.
Range is one of the most important aspects of electric cars and with some vehicles topping out at about 220 miles per charge, it can be difficult to drive daily. According to GfK, the average U.S. electric car driver gets a range of 153 miles per charge. With new advancements in battery technology and vehicle engineering, ranges are on average increasing by around 10%. The trend is expected to continue as EVs become more popular.
Battery Life
The battery can be the most expensive aspect of an electric car and unfortunately, it is also the one aspect that has to be replaced the most often. In addition to replacing the battery, many other parts like lights, computer systems and display screens must also be replaced. However, this is not always an easy task as electric cars are different than traditional combustion vehicles meaning servicing can get more complicated. Nissan stated that the electric vehicle, LEAF, has the longest range in its class with a battery life of about 200,000 miles depending on driving habits and charging frequency.
Electric cars are different from combustion cars in design. For example, electric car doors cannot be opened from the outside. This often poses as an issue for charging stations as these stations cannot always accommodate for a vehicle door closing mechanism and other issues that arise with electric vehicles.
One of the most important aspects of electric cars is their ability to charge. Today, there are a variety of technologies that are now used to charge electric cars and some are better than others. For example, CHAdeMO standard is a DC fast-charging system that enables approximately 80% range in half an hour while SAE Combo DC Fast Charging (CCFC) allows for approximately 80% in 30 minutes.
Electric cars are important to the environment as they reduce carbon emissions and limit climate change effects. Furthermore, electric cars also reduce fuel costs as electricity is generally cheaper than gasoline. According to the EIA, in 2013 the average household spent $1,170 on fuel to operate their vehicles. This number is expected to keep increasing if people do not adapt to using newer, more efficient vehicles like electric cars.