When it comes to consuming cannabis, there are several types of devices and appliances that you can find. THC in cannabis is the main reason why people use it for recreational purposes and is the component that leads to the felling high. Therefore the best way is to either inhale or directly inject into the bloodstream. Also one can use them in eatables, but it can take a bit longer to actually how any effect. Many enthusiasts are therefore using various tools like bong, hookah and Delta-8 THC carts to get the most of the cannabis experience.
Some of the common devices used are:
Vape pens
Vape pens are devices that are run by the battery and liquid THC is used in it to get vaporized. Vaporized THC is then inhaled by the user which gives the real effect in a few minutes. one can find these temporary pens or the permanent ones at any dispensary.
Dab pens
Now dabs are a form of THC that one can find in the market. dabs are solidified pellets THC concentrates and are used in this dap pens. A dab pen is similar to the vaping pens and the only difference is that liquid THC cannot be used in it. dabs melt on the coil and the heat then vaporizes which can be inhaled.
Bongs are quite a common type of household cannabis device and can be found at several dispensaries. These are also called water pipes, as the central cylinder is filled with water and cannabis is lightened in the stem. Heavier molecules get trapped in the water of the bong and the effective smoke surfaces over the water level to be inhaled.